December 28, 2014

Saladmaster's Special Night In

For the last 1 ½-2 years, my brother’s been pitching me this idea: “Hey! Wouldn’t you like to have your friends over for a meal that would be free & delicious? Your only obligation would be to hear the chef give everybody the option to purchase the pans that were used to prepare the meal.” That never did sound like something I wanted but eventually he caught me on a weak day (and actually not a weekday) and I agreed. The more I thought about it, I really did want to have dinner with my friends that I didn’t have to cook. Dinner with friends usually takes 1-2 hours, is fun, and full of food people typically enjoy eating. This dinner we ended up having was not accurately marketed. If it had been a truthful pitch, my brother would have said, “Hey! Wouldn’t you like to have your friends over while a guy invades your home for 4 ½ hours? He’ll cook for you AND as a bonus, he’ll cry and talk about his personal tragedies.” I would have answered, “No! I’d rather cook and then get the rest of that from half a year’s worth of testimony meetings!” He would have bantered, “That’s not even the best part though-chances are the food will not be anybody’s favorite.
It will mostly be vegetables and everybody’s likely to leave hungry!” Because I’m an optimist, I like to look at the bright side and that is that testimony meeting is going to seem so short now! And on top of that, nobody will even be asked to try four different varieties of poisoned water and another version of water that’s just plain yucky. As for making it up to our friends, I will have to make them a vegetable and mustard-free chocolate dessert to restore their faith in why we thought we liked chocolate in the first place and we will have to do chores around their house to make up for the time they spent at our home that they will never get back.
P.S. Of course we bought pans that cost as much as a car.

June 28, 2014

We went to a parade because it's our favorite game: yell and cheer for people you don't care about so they'll throw a piece of taffy at you.

April 8, 2014

Traffic School

As the lucky recipient of traffic school training today, I thought I'd highlight just a few of the details. FAILED TRAFFIC SCHOOL INTRODUCTIONS: ***Hi. My name is Kimberly. This is my first time here because I am usually a very safe driver. Also, today is my grandpas's birthday-he's not here or anything, just wanted to give a shout out anyway. ***The name's Trevor. Honestly, I had no idea this was traffic school. The cop told me to show up tonight and they'd remove the fungus I have. ***My name is Candace and I probably really belong here. I gotta admit, I'm a pretty bad driver!
TEACHING TECHNIQUE/WORST SURPRISE EVER: "Some classes are full of statistics. Some classes show gory videos. I don't do either of those things. Surprise, guys-each of you will be teaching part of this class!"
SOME OF THE MESSAGES WE GOT FROM THE TRAINING: ***If you're being tailgated, move out of the guy's way, dummy! ***If you aren't carrying a weapon in your vehicle, you have no business driving and you might not live through the next 24 hours. ***A DUI conviction runs you about $10,000...your $15 worth of alcohol can generate a LOT of money to help your city! ***There have been major public education efforts in regards to drinking and driving. Nothing seems to deter it. What would it actually take to deter it? (The class made a list!!! We were, after all, the surprise teachers) ---That creepy 4th grade teacher you still have nightmares about spends the night in your home ---Your 10 biggest enemies get to pick items to feed to you and you aren't allowed to refuse any of them ---A clown spends the night at your house ---You are locked in a room full of clowns ---In order to save you from prison time, your whole family must commit to a lifetime of clowning ***If you are in any accident that involves somebody losing their life, you can pretty much guarantee somebody will be drawing your blood. It's weird, too, because they put the hollow collection tubes in their teeth and draw from your neck... ***Cyclists are legally allowed to ride in the right traffic lane, even if there are clear bike lanes available. They can legally choose the part of the road you are driving on and YOU must give them 3 feet of space. To make this long story short, when your siblings are late for something, hop on your bike and give them a lesson in patience.
***85% of people speeding in your neighborhoods are your actual neighbors!!! Does that mean that 85% of the people flipping me off in my neighborhood are also my neighbors? ***If you cut in front of a semi, they might get a ticket but you might be dead. ***Distractions while driving seemed to be a big issue & we were told it's really important to stop for 3 seconds at every stop sign. Since I don't want to be distracted by counting Mississippis or programming my watch for the proper 3 seconds, I'd really like to invent a timer for driving. Every time you hit a stop sign, you just push a single button and it beeps after 3 seconds. Any investors out there hearing this? ***The instructor said he'd take a ticket any day over hurting, harming, or killing somebody. Ha! To me, that sounds like somebody who's never had a ticket before!
CONCLUSION: Maybe I'm not good at driving (especially when dark cars with their lights off drive by at 50 mph-I'm a real threat to society at moments like that). I'm okay at math though. There were 13 of us and at $55 a pop for an hour and a half, one teacher generated $476/hour. The only conclusion I can reach is that financially, I REALLY need to teach this class and then I can surprise MY students and tell them they get to be the teachers. That's what you get to do when you're making the big bucks!

January 16, 2014

What Would You Do? (Dog Edition)

I've been catching up on far too many episodes of What Would You Do? I got the great idea of testing the character of my dogs so here are some things we've tried and the results: ***I hired some actors and by hired I mean offered to feed dinner to and by actors I mean my boys. One had to pretend he was REALLY hurting the other and the other had to pretend he was REALLY suffering. I wanted to see what the dogs would do. They just sat down in front of the boys and watched with mild interest. There's no way those dogs will ever protect us in an emergency situation! ***I tested the patience of the dogs by feeding them dinner, one piece of dog food at a time. Those dogs are not patient AT ALL! They went ballistically crazy. They took turns trying to tackle me while the other tried to sneak behind my back for the rest of the food but lucky for me 12-pound dogs aren't that good at tackling me. ***I tested the honesty of the dogs by leaving opened treats out. All I can say is that those dogs don't have one speck of integrity or sense of self control either. Don't ever let them invest treats for you! ***I tested the athleticism of the dogs by setting up an obstacle course for them. Not only are they not athletic enough to complete each task correctly but they don't have a long enough attention span to do much more than start the course. ***I tested the dogs for classiness by seeing how they behave while humans are watching them and also when they don't think they are being watched. In both scenarios, they lick their crotches, lick the ground, lick the couch, and our male dog scoots his bum on the ground as if it is his personal roll of toilet paper. They are shameless in their pursuit of other people's food and the female barks a lot about nothing. They do not have one bit of class in them. IN SUMMARY: Dogs do not have good characters at all!!! They never do the right thing! They are sometimes cute and they are quite playful and our male in particular is ridiculously loyal but they could use some refining, that's for certain. If they'd just quit being so lovable, maybe their character would matter more.