December 28, 2014

Saladmaster's Special Night In

For the last 1 ½-2 years, my brother’s been pitching me this idea: “Hey! Wouldn’t you like to have your friends over for a meal that would be free & delicious? Your only obligation would be to hear the chef give everybody the option to purchase the pans that were used to prepare the meal.” That never did sound like something I wanted but eventually he caught me on a weak day (and actually not a weekday) and I agreed. The more I thought about it, I really did want to have dinner with my friends that I didn’t have to cook. Dinner with friends usually takes 1-2 hours, is fun, and full of food people typically enjoy eating. This dinner we ended up having was not accurately marketed. If it had been a truthful pitch, my brother would have said, “Hey! Wouldn’t you like to have your friends over while a guy invades your home for 4 ½ hours? He’ll cook for you AND as a bonus, he’ll cry and talk about his personal tragedies.” I would have answered, “No! I’d rather cook and then get the rest of that from half a year’s worth of testimony meetings!” He would have bantered, “That’s not even the best part though-chances are the food will not be anybody’s favorite.
It will mostly be vegetables and everybody’s likely to leave hungry!” Because I’m an optimist, I like to look at the bright side and that is that testimony meeting is going to seem so short now! And on top of that, nobody will even be asked to try four different varieties of poisoned water and another version of water that’s just plain yucky. As for making it up to our friends, I will have to make them a vegetable and mustard-free chocolate dessert to restore their faith in why we thought we liked chocolate in the first place and we will have to do chores around their house to make up for the time they spent at our home that they will never get back.
P.S. Of course we bought pans that cost as much as a car.

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