November 24, 2016

Urine...yep, let's go there

I can't help but write about how incredible it feels to urinate after having a full bladder you've had to hold for a long time. Whether you were driving, in a class, out getting a little exercise, watching a movie in the theater, or you just can't stop watching YouTube videos for one reason or another, sometimes you have to go pee for a LONG time and you just keep holding it in!!!
There are few things in the world that feel greater than emptying your bladder after a long time. It feels INCREDIBLE! You feel so good afterward that it seems like you could do anything. Suddenly every trivial thing you do seems like a big deal. Somebody tells a joke and you realize not only can you hang around listening to it and smile, you can actually laugh in a way that shakes your whole body and no pee is going to start dribbling out. You can jump without creating a waterfall. You can sit, stand, or lay down in comfort. You can have a conversation and not only that, you can actually focus on and hear what the other person is saying! You can eat something or even take a drink now! If the "holding your urine in" was a result of one too many YouTube videos, you might realize that it might not have actually been necessary to watch a guy mostly lip sync to a strange song combination in pajamas & you can't even tell if the spots on the pajamas are for a giraffe or if they're pepperonis and he's supposed to be a slice of pizza. He never put his hoodie of the pjs on so he never gave you a chance to solve the mystery. After finally emptying your bladder and realizing how much better you feel, how much healthier, how much more energetic, you also note that it is possible that less time could have been spent analyzing whether an odd stranger is dressed like a giraffe or a slice of pizza. However, if you hadn't held in that pee for such a long time, you might not be aware of just how great you feel now!

August 6, 2016

How to Ruin Girls Camp in 10 Easy Steps

Camping always makes me laugh. Last month I attended my first Girls Camp since I was a teenager so there was plenty to laugh about. This is a light-hearted list of things that make the week extra "fun."
1. Complain about everything! They're making you walk? How miserable! You have to wash your own dishes? Ridiculous! Don't waste your time being happy about anything. 2. Ask what you'll be doing next a minimum of 12 times a day. When somebody points out that the schedule is posted, refuse to acknowledge it. 3. Say inappropriate things. Any thought that enters your mind should come out your mouth. That's what true freedom is. 4. Talk about what you'd rather be doing. When you start phrases with "I'd rather be..." and finish with some kind of modern convenience, it helps the whole group question their choice to attend.
5. Use the bathroom 10 times a day, especially if there's only one bathroom. Don't stress yourself out by hurrying. Think about your life & your choices. Primp extensively. When people wait a long time for you, they appreciate your beauty more. 6. Pack too much stuff. If you don't need it, pac, it! How can you be prepared for anything if you don't have everything? 7. Go to bed too late and get up too early and make sure to spread the wrath of your sleep deprivation. If you didn't sleep enough, everybody should pay the price. Before going to bed, it's best to make loud obnoxious sounds but if you're woken up with similar sounds, be furious about it.
8. Eat a lot in your tent and make sure to leave food open at night. Not only will this benefit each tent mate with crumbs in their clothes and sleeping bags but you can get better acquainted with adorable mountain creatures.
9. Every time an activity gets quiet, it's your job to yell. Yelling gives spiritual thoughts emphasis and breaks up that uncomfortable silence or quiet that everybody's feeling. 10. Participate in testimony meeting by organizing and carrying out a flash mob. Since most testimony meetings are held in a chapel, where it's typically frowned upon to do a flash mob, this would be your most appropriate opportunity to shine.

June 10, 2016

How to Ruin a Weekend in 10 Easy Steps

If there's something I'm an expert on, it's ruining weekends. If you are worried about another successful weekend, please rest your fears and know that I'm here to rescue you with tips I've found helpful over the years. 1. Try to accomplish on the weekend every little task you wanted to do during the week and didn't manage to accomplish. Monday never seems quite as horrifying as it does when it arrives and your life has been so hectic you've never realized any days during the last week WEREN'T Monday. Clean the house, grocery shop, do yard work, cook for large groups of people and clean it all up. Chores, chores, chores-keep 'em comin'!
2. Let guilt be your tour guide. By mid-day Friday, bring to the forefront of your mind all of your weaknesses, failures, and shortcomings. Focus on each of those items and all the ways that your personal inadequacies are holding back the people you care about.
3. Overschedule. Nothing says making the most of the weekend like trying to make more of it than you are physically, emotionally, or financially able to do. You might think, "But how will this work? We also have X, Y, & Z going on?" Just schedule anyway. Things have a way of working out, even if it means instead of relaxing for a single moment, you spend those single moments driving, crying, apologizing for being late, and screaming inside.
4. Put pressure on the people you love. Even though they didn't plan to accomplish all that you unrealistically plan to accomplish over the weekend, doesn't mean they can't be dragged into the mess somehow.
5. Get easily offended. When stress abounds, being upset and snarky is just one way to slow down the weekend.
6. Make hasty decisions because you don't feel emotionally capable of doing anything else. If you try to think about things before making a choice, what will you have to feel bad about later? This is the time to cease the moment and create a little regret to savor later.
7. ALWAYS say yes to watching other people's kids. If they need their children watched, it means they're doing something fun. Live vicariously through them. The crazier their children are, the more vicarious living you really are doing!
8. Think a lot about giving up. Fantasize about just letting the laundry and dishes go for years and never taking out the garbage. Think about the house just piling up with junk and stinking...about losing your self-respect and eventually not being able to sleep unless you make a make-shift sort of bed out of trash. It feels like the second you give up, that's what life would turn into but you might find yourself much more compassionate toward hoarders.
9. Be there but don't be there. Physically be present but always keep your mind on your problems or what else you should or could be doing. Being emotionally unavailable in the moment is a little like a vacation, right?
10.Think about how life would be if you were alone and nobody cared about you. Now think about how many people are in your life and don't care about you. Ah, that's better, right? Instead of having nobody to care about you, you have lots of people to not care about you!
PLEASE KNOW THIS IS A JOKE!!! We all get down. (Clearly I do) Let yourself feel down once in a while but don't let it stay too long!!! People really do care about you! Life is just hard sometimes. :)