March 23, 2011

March 23

*I've been in a jogging slump-haven't felt much like going lately. I got myself some running shoes, hoping to get inspired but it turns out they are even more comfortable to wear when you're sitting down than they are when you're running in them.

*The weird thing about going to church is that I never hear somebody get up and say, "Let's get this party started!" and yet it's still the kind of party that's totally off the hook without anybody even saying it. The choir does their rendition of many songs and I always like when they let you know what song they'll be singing because it sounds slightly un-recognizable once they get started. I may or may not have been in charge of a popcorn fight as well.

*My husband did something late last night that made me mad so I was going to hurt him in his sleep but while I was waiting for him to fall asleep, I accidentally fell asleep myself. Oh well. There's always tonight.

*Dishes as a whole are like a little leprechaun-you can just never catch the last one. If I ever WERE to catch them all, I think a leprechaun really would show up and taunt, "Well, good luck getting all the laundry done!"

*I just read that coca-cola is the number one soda pop and while pepsi has traditionally been #2, it just fell to #3 behind diet coke. i'd like to personally commit to try to get pepsi back up there. if everybody would just drink a pepsi or two a day, imagine the difference we can make in the world-or at least in the cola market which is highly representative of the world.

*I can't stop thinking about how weird it is that women in their 50s and 60s who've gone through menopause can still utilize in-vitro fertilization and have a baby. "Hey Grandma. I guess we'll both be having a child around the same time..."

*Gotta say I have an awesome husband. When he didn't want to go to bed at the same time and I threatened to get a new husband for those times when I don't want to sleep alone, he decided maybe he WAS ready for bed after all. Then he bothered me enough that I wished I had just let him stay up-ha ha! Marriage is bliss!

*I have to pee. Perhaps I'll make an evening of it.

*Due to a couple close calls with almost getting hit by a vehicle when I go jogging, I tend to spend a good chunk of time on my jogs thinking about what it would sound like to get hit and how far I'll fly and then what my hitting the ground or wall or fence will sound like, too. I'm really hoping that when I do get hit, I'm not too disappointed with how it ends up sounding!!!

*My husband says I can't play basketball with him & all of his friends if I'm going to break into songs from musicals so often. What a poor sport!

*We took our kids to their first hockey game this weekend and I told them that when people don't want to get hit with a puck, they have to cover themselves in urine, which repels hockey pucks. Turns out, not only did the kids believe it but they were very careful about which seats they'd sit in, hoping not to get one that had too much urine from previous guests.

*If anybody needs to feel good about themselves, play video games with me. 3 year-olds beat me, my parents (who think Mario is a reference to Mario Lopez since he was on Dancing with the Stars) can beat me. Really, give your self-esteem a boost and set up a time to game with me.

*I went to work tonight and for a while there, I was the only girl in a room with about 8 guys. It gave me flashbacks to college study groups and I was terrified that I'd be the only one doing any work.

*I put together a basketball standard. The instructions said it required 2 adults to assemble but it turned out we never had to work together. One adult works until their nerves are fried and then the next adult is required to take over from there.

*I can't have more children but I like to buy pregnancy tests just to have fun conversations with cashiers. They can't seem to ring up a pregnancy test without making a comment about it. I wait a day or two & then return it, saying, "Whoops on this impulse buy-I can't even get pregnant!" I think I'm in for another fun weekend!

*Sometimes when I'm sitting in the front room at night and looking out the window, I'm amazed at how close the moon is. I feel some kind of cosmic connection to it. That's usually about the time when, upon closer examination, I realize I've been admiring a streetlamp.

*You know it might not be the best day when you shave one leg and forget about the other and later try to get into the wrong car.

1 comment:

  1. I can honestly say I've never thought of church as a place the NEEDED someone to say "let's get this party started." Unless it was like one of those Rodney Dangerfield walking into the country club, "you people are all mostly dead"-type of "let's get this party started"s. It could use one of those every single week.
