March 27, 2010

March 27

The greatest trick I have learned about being around people when you don't know what to say is to brag. This is particularly effective when you're around somebody you don't know very well. You don't really have to think up new things to say. Just listen to what they say and then top it.
-"That's the job I do, too...but I probably get paid more than you..."
-"I used to drive a car like that but nobody was impressed so I upgraded..."
-"I love to run, too, but I prefer to add push-ups at the same time, wouldn't want to be called lazy..."
If you run into the obstacle of another person not saying anything, a few ice breakers are:
-"I've always been so popular..."
-"I get mistaken for a famous person all the time..."
-"I've never been dumped, only done the dumping..."
It's surprising how those little tidbits can really jumpstart a long and meaningful friendship. Just remember, the world may be full of friendly faces but none of them are as remarkable as yours and you should never be afraid to tell people more about that.

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