October 27, 2010

October 27

Do you think there are superheroes in the spider world? Perhaps a spider than can spin an uber web quickly is the equivalent of a human throwing a rope to the next building and swinging over. Are spiders that get killed while on a special mission martyrs?

October 20, 2010

October 20

I enjoyed synchronized driving on the freeway with the hubby the other night. We drove matching cars and did graceful harmonious hand and foot motions out of the windows and sunroofs. Other vehicles didn't seem to fully appreciate or realize the art we were providing but it was there. It was there.

October 11, 2010

October 11

When I was a kid, Mama took us for a lot of walks. She got so sick of stopping for us to get rocks out of our shoes that she told us when oysters get something irritating them, they just hold onto it for a long, long time and it becomes a pearl so we should try to make a pearl, too, and just keep walking. All these years later and when I got a rock in my shoe this morning, I just kept walking and wondering what color my pearl would turn out to be.

October 6, 2010

October 6

Nothing says, "I didn't get the dishes done" like eating ice cream on a plate with a fork...